500 gr flour
100 gr sugar
10 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (EVO)
2 apples
Dried figs
Pine nuts
Liquor wine
Mix the flour with the sugar and the extra virgin olive oil.
The dough will certainly appear drier at first since there are no eggs, but if you wish, you can add a little bit of warm water to help you obtain a smooth dough. Place it in a zip-lock bag and let stand.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling by chopping the dried fruit together with the two apples and add a sprinkle of liquor wine to add a touch of flavor.
Once the dough is soft and homogeneous, roll it out into a thin sheet and brush the edges with a little water (so as to better seal your dessert) and cover the dough with your filling.
Roll the sheet lengthwise, forming a long “sausage” and seal it well. Brush the surface with water and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Now put your dessert in the oven at moderate heat (about 180°) and cook for about 1 hour.
Small curiosity: at one time, the pastry was baked in a “teggia”, an iron pan with a lid greased with lard that was covered with embers.
If you want to see the video with the procedure, just click here
Buon appetito!