Carrot Cake

Ingredients: 4 eggs; 300 g white sugar; 300 g chopped almond with one teaspoon of sugar; 300 g carrots grated; 80 g all purpose flour; 1 teaspoon of yeast; Philadelphia cheese; Plum jam


Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with the sugar, and keep stirring for about 7-8 minutes until they are perfectly mixed like a cream.
When the cream is ready, pour the flour along with the teaspoon of yeast. Stir, then mix the grated carrots, then the chopped almond mixed with 1 teaspoon of sugar.
In a different bowl whip the egg whites until frothy, then add them to the carrot mixture being careful to blend delicately in the same way from downwards to upwards. Stir until well combined.
Pour the mixture into a greased mould and bake at 170°C for about 1 hour or until cooked through.
Let it cool down before unmolding.
Cut the cake in the middle and smear some Philadelphia cheese and plum jam inside.
Spread icing sugar on the top to embellish your cake.
Chill for some minutes before serving.

If you want to see the video with the precedure just click here.

Buon appetito!